Using Mail Rules

You can create mail rules that automatically process incoming and outgoing messages. For example, you can create rules that automatically assign messages to specific users, move messages to different group mailboxes, send automatic replies, or delete messages.

You can create mail rules that are applied to all messages entering or leaving Response group mailboxes (system rules) and mail rules that run only for a specific group mailbox (group mailbox rules). When a message is received or sent, the system mail rules are first applied to the message. Once the system rules have been processed, the group mailbox rules are then applied to the message.

Mail Rule Elements

A mail rule is made up of three main parts: conditions, actions, and exceptions.

Conditions specify criteria that must be true for a rule to execute. For example, a condition could check the message subject for a specific phrase, check the email address of the sender, or whether or not the message has an attachment. If a rule contains multiple conditions, all conditions must be true in order for the rule’s actions to be carried out. If a rule contains no conditions, the rule’s actions are always performed (unless the exceptions are true).
Actions specify what to do when the rule conditions are true. For example, the message could be moved to another group mailbox, assigned to a specific user, or deleted. A rule can contain multiple actions.
Exceptions specify criteria that prevent a rule from executing, even if the conditions are true. For example, an exception could prevent a rule from executing if the message is from a specific sender. Exceptions are optional. If a rule contains multiple exceptions, any one of them being true will prevent the rule’s actions from executing.

Example Mail Rule

The following example describes a mail rule that checks a message for the word upgrade and, if found, moves the message to the support group mailbox, unless the message is part of a thread.

Conditions. The rule checks for the word upgrade in the message body.

Example rule conditions
Example rule conditions

Actions. If the word upgrade is found, the message is moved to the support group mailbox.

Example rule actions
Example rule actions

Exceptions. However, if the message is part of a thread (that is, the message is in response to an existing message), the message is not moved to the support group mailbox.

Example rule exceptions
Example rule exceptions

When Rules Are Processed

Following are the details of exactly when each type of rule is applied.

→ Next: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Mail Rules

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